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f.o.a.m │ silky scarf - dawn 薄暮

NT$ 2,980.00
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採用100%蠶絲,在四角處打上繡孔,讓佩戴者可以在穿戴絲巾的同時,使用有鉤環的飾品或者開口戒指,創造更多不同的搭配方式 。
Our scarf is made by 100% silk. By combining embroidered holes on each corner of the scarf with velcro jewelries or open rings, wearers could fully enjoy this novelty to create versatile looks!

Hand-made embroidered holes, combining with accessories to create versatile looks.⟡


High-quality & hand-stitched seams for a stylish and elegant finishing.


Fine digital print@double side, with delicate patterns that relieve the beauty of simplicity.



✺ 商 品 材 質 與 規 格 
 Material and Specification 

▍ 商品材質 :100%蠶絲
Material: 100% silk

▍ 商品尺寸:65cm x 65cm
Size: 65cm x 65cm

▍ 印刷方式:數位雙面印刷
Printing method: digital print @double side


The waves wash over the stones and along the crevices, drawing poetic traces as they pass by.



The dimensions of 65cm x 65cm make it ideal for using as a neckerchief or for tying around the waist.

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f.o.a.m  **浮雲** & **薄暮** 兩條絲巾的結合,創造令人無法移開目光的多層次搭配
The combination of two scarves creates a layered look that is visually captivating. 

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利用zaii獨創的『繡孔』設計,與SOMA SEMA聯名的飾品搭配
Zaii's original design in scarves- embroidered holes, featuring with SOMA SEMA's silver accessories collaborations.

➡ 小地方創造巧思,是單獨的飾品;也是讓氣氛加乘的好幫手!
It could be wore individually or layered with f.o.a.m scarf. Enhance overalls atmosphere of looks!

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✺ 推 薦 使 用 方 式 - 配 件 及 服 飾 ✺
As accessories and clothings

🅐 簡單綁在腰上
 Simply tie on your waist

🅑 作為披肩或領巾使用 
Drop or tie around your neck & shoulder as scarf

🅒 綁在胸前當作上衣
Wrap around your chest

🅓 綁在褲耳上創造層次感
Tie on the beltloop to create a layered look

🅔 與SOMA SEMA x zaii 聯名系列飾品結合搭配!
Combine with our acc Collab with SOMA SEMA!

推薦配戴方式1_工作區域 1

✺ 推 薦 使 用 方 式 - 風 呂 敷 ✺
As Furoshiki

🅕 作為禮物的精緻外包裝
Gift wrap without a box

🅖 綁成購物袋使用
Tie it into a shopping bag

🅗 綁在花瓶或家飾品上作為裝飾
Decorate vest or home decos

* 各種!展現你的創意!
* Be creative!

推薦配戴方式2_工作區域 1

✺ 精 緻 木 盒 包 裝 ✺
Our Packaging

▍ 黃麻紙外層保護絲巾
Scarf is packed with jute papers

▍ 內含絲巾使用方式及洗滌說明書
Instructions for silky scarf using and care inside

▍ 木盒可以再利用成為收納盒/餐具托盤
Wooden boxes can be reused as storage boxes or cutlery trays

外包裝組圖_工作區域 1
